Why choose Pressure Care Management for Seating Assessments?

May 23, 2023

As you know Pressure Care Management Ltd offer a range of products such as our pressure relief and postural cushions. But did you know we also offer a specialist seating assessments service?

We are now spreading to a wider area of the country allowing us to reach those in need of a more bespoke seating assessments for those with potentially more complex needs and conditions.

Why choose PCM? A few simple reasons why we offer a more specialist service….

✅ Tailored measurements are taken at each visit, allowing as more bespoke build tot he chair to suit even the more complex needs.
✅ A variety of chairs are brought to each assessment from a range of different seating providers.
✅ We always allow for a second visit for any additional tweaks to the seating to meet the service users needs once the chair has been manufactured.
✅ Consideration of ‘future proofing’ the chair, ensuring clients are prevented from purchasing another chair if conditions have changed or worsened. This could be the option of additional lateral supports or changing the pressure relief cushion.